Starting any new business can be particularly daunting, but branching out in the food and beverage industry can be significantly harder and more expensive if you haven't done your research. Partnering with someone that has experience is often the best thing you can do. Consider these three tips below and see how you can save money and streamline your business. Consider buying used equipment. While you might want to go out and buy everything fresh out of the box there are financial benefits to buying decent used equipment at a reduced price. This will definitely reduce your initial spend. While not every deal is a good deal, avoid being scammed by taking a knowledgeable person with you to view the equipment before you agree to purchase. The truth is that restaurants close all the time and you might end up buying equipment that was only used for a short amount of time. Cash register or POS (Point of sale)? If you're just starting out, you might think that a simple ca...
The smoothie business is an easy one to set up but you do need to do your research beforehand. Doing proper due diligence in the beginning can save you time and money in the long run. Use the correct blending equipment. This should be a no brainer. Using your affordable compact smoothie maker at home once a week is very different to running a business dedicated to smoothies. You will need a professional heavy duty blender to ensure that you aren't left stranded during peak business hours. Do your research and don't purchase a blender based on price, but rather based on specifications. Choose the right ingredients. The ingredients you choose will ultimately affect the taste and quality of the smoothies. Decide which route to focus on, whether organic or protein fueled for gym goers. Either way, your ingredients need to be top notch. Choose the right business partner to plug in. If you are the financial whizz, find someone that is going to plug in w...